El Señor del mundo

Me encontré con esta escultura, y lo que vino a mi mente fue este poema de Berton Braley:


Weak and puny, small and frail,
Helpless he with tooth or nail,
In a world of fang and claw
Where sheet power makes the law.
Into battle he has gone
With the shaggy mastodon,
With the cruel beasts of prey
Snarling in their lust to slay,
Thirsting for the taste of blood;
He has fought with fire and flood,
With a heart and soul elate
Warred with nature‑and with fate,
Dauntless, fearless, bold of eye,
Unafraid to fall and die,
Man has battled countless odds
Which would fright the very gods,
But by virtue of his will
Which no chill defeat could kill,
And by strength of heart and soul
He has striven to his goal;
By sheer vigor of attack
Beaten brute creation back
And through countless conflicts hurled
Made him Master of the World!

La foto la tomé en Mountain Village, CO; y el poema lo tomé de Virtues in Verse, The Best of Berton Braley; selected & arranged by Linda Tania Abrams.



1 comment

  1. Y si, todo indica que nos hemos ganado un lugar en este planeta. Apasionado ese poema, lo he copiado, gracias.