Entendiendo la crisis: back to 2005

Freddie Mac: A Mercantilist Enterprise, es un magnífico artículo que, en 2005, escribió Paul Cleveland en el Mises Institute.

“The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, commonly known as Freddie Mac, has recently come under close scrutiny after it was forced to restate its earnings upwards for several years. While it might be easy to dismiss this event as insignificant since earnings and profits were higher than initially reported, these restatements point to a serious problem associated with all Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs). The unfolding story involving Freddie Mac provides ample evidence that GSEs are a perversion of free enterprise and actually work to undercut the very essence of what a free market should be“. El énfasis es mío y es muy recomendable leerlo completo.

Gracias al cuate, Edwin, por la pista.



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