Aviso de la embajada de los Estados Unidos

El 1 de septiembre pasado, la embajada de los Estados Unidos de América emitió la siguiente advertencia para su personal:

Recently, the Regional Security Office has noticed a significant spike in sexual assaults and other types of violent crime. Several of these crimes have taken place in and around the Oakland Mall, the Zona Viva area of zone 10, and in other areas throughout Guatemala. These types of crimes have occurred during daylight as well as night time hours. As a reminder, RSO strongly advises that mission personnel evaluate their daily travel routine and consider the following recommendations in order to minimize the risk of becoming a victim.

· Never walk alone, anywhere in the city.
· Always stay alert and pay attention to what is going on around you.
· Keep your doors locked and windows closed (residence and vehicle).
· When you travel always let someone know where you are going, and when you expect to return.
· Inform colleagues and family of daily plans and ensure they know how to reach you.
· Avoid drawing attention to yourself.
· Do not accept help from strangers purporting to represent hotels or other establishments without confirmation with the establishment they purport to represent.
Las recomendaciones son valiosas; pero es interesante que esto ocurra en la Zona Viva que es una de las consentidas de la administración municipal, hasta el punto de que hace ratos el Alcalde hasta mandó a poner ahí aceras de mármol. Esto confirma, también, que los planes megalómanos de Tu Muni como el Transmetro, y los paseos como el de la Sexta Avenida y la misma Zona Viva, no tienen pies ni cabeza si el problema de inseguridad no es resuelto primero. Aquellas grandes inversiones son inútiles si la delincuencia sigue quedando generalmente impune.

Prensa Libre reportó esta alerta el 27 de septiembre.



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